Saturday, November 12, 2005

Saw Eww is Right, Morgan.

Well I hit up Citiplace last night to see “Saw 2”. Maybe it was the fact that it was almost 11 p.m., there was a snoring man sitting behind me, and that I was sitting in the center of the 2nd row that gave me a bad impression of the movie. Overall, I found it to be very unnecessarily gory. I can honestly say that I missed a good fraction of the movie because I was covering my eyes. I really felt like I might get sick a few times even. Two of my friends walked out because they couldn't take it. I mean, yes- horror movies are going to be gory…but do you have to show everything? I think not. As Morgan said, some of the dialogue was pretty lame and predictable. Lines like "You better start thinking outside of the box or his son is going to end up in one."...riiight. This was definitely one of those movies where everyone told me “Oh, it’s SO much better and scarier than the first one!”, so I had it all built up in my mind and it ended up not being as great as I expected. I thought the first movie was much better. However, I kind of figured out one of the twists early on in the movie. Another thing Morgan said that I agree with is the fact that it’s so amazing that there are actually people on this planet who think of things like this. It creeps me out beyond belief. I didn’t like that there really wasn’t much character development in the movie at all. You didn’t really find out any of the characters' stories (besides Jigaw’s) and it left much to be questioned. I like answers. All in all, it was decent. There was no lost sleep over it- I wasn’t scared, more so entirely grossed out. Others seemed to enjoy it though so I'd check it out anyways.

- Liz


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