Thursday, November 10, 2005

It's a Little bit funny...this feeling inside...

Tuesday night VH1 chose Moulin Rouge as its featured film under their program "Movies that Rock". Moulin Rouge is a work by Baz Luhrmann, who also worked on 1996's Romeo + Juliet. Moulin Rouge is one of my favorite movies of all time. The spirit, continuity, hilarity, and, of course, the music, is brilliant. Going into the theater 4 years ago to see this movie, not only was I a 13 year old viewing a very intense film, I was unaware of the format and genre of film that Moulin Rouge is, a musical. The film may be described as bizarre. That is what I thought the first few years that I watched the movie. However, as I watched the movie when I was 16, I got more into the movie , noticing the little details and grasping much more than I ever had. The comedy placed into this tragic story is great, just as it was in Luhrmann's previous tragic comedy, Romeo + Juliet. John Leguizamo as Toulouse- Lautrec is wild. The most powerful part of the movie is, against the audience's belief, Toulouse recites the famous line correctly for the first time: " The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love, and be loved in return".

I believe the acting quality, cinematography, music, and special effects make this movie one of the greatest I have ever seen. I love it.


P.S. I don't know if you listened to this song in religion, but Baz Luhrmann speaks life lessons in his song "Everybody's Free (To wear sunscreen). I would suggest downloading it, I mean, wait...that's pirating. I think Alyce has it on CD maybe we can play it in class. It has a very powerful message.