The Real L.C.
I have to agree with Candice. Kristin is a spawn of the devil. Watching last night's episode, I began to fall off the metaphorical fence in hopes of landing on a mature, compassionate, and understanding grassy knoll on Kristen's side, when I thought she would finally reconcile the once "irreperable drama" between her and L.C. Instead, she retreated back to her immature, petty, and catty lair, cowering in a corner in her jean mini with Alex and Steph-en, almost too cool to patch things up with L.C.
To shed light on the whole Jason issue. Jason is shockingly very lucky with the ladies. While his looks aren't too tragic, unfortunately; his relationship skills....suck. It would be wrong to call him stupid, since he seems to have hooked up with almost every girl in Laguna. We should almost be pointing the finger at the teenage female population of Laguna, for repeating the same stupid mistake--dating Jason. I understand Jessica's actions, but I do not justify them. He was her boyfriend first and she feels like he was taken from her prematurely. However, i do give her mad props for finally acquiring closure and letting Jason go (the touching "conversation" at the end of the episode). I applaud Lauren (cool name) in being the first girl that we know of to stand up to Jason instead of accepting his rehearsed and insincere apology, even though he threw in a few apologetic facial expressions.
Next weeks episode is sure to bring tons more juicy posts...although i feel as if I'm tainting the blog by discussing such trivial things as Laguna Beach, while Fleig expects vocabulary masterpieces on montages and classic film masterpieces. Oh well...
SIDEBAR: i do think that it must be difficult in the cinematographic aspect of this show. The angles and different shots that they do are different than most other "reality" shows. They do have very some very"symbolic" and meaningful shots. I believe i've even seen some montages here and there and the music is always very good.
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