Blair's Review - The Brothers Grimm
Hey kids! and Fleig and Ms. Simmons!
This weekend I went to see the Brothers Grimm because if you didn't know I heart matt Damon!!! I don't think my vocabulary is up to par yet so forgive my elementary words. I found this movie very fascinating. The lighting caught my eye because it is set back in the day and the way they lit up their faces with soft candle light compared to that cheesy moonlight and since most of the movie takes place in the forest at night. A weakness I found was Heath Leger was hard to understand but I think it was meant to be like that because his character was a little crazy. I don't want to give away the moral of the story but it is a great movie in the way that it sort of ties all of our childhood tales together like little red riding hood and the ginger breadman. It is fun to watch too because there are little things that I noticed that tie into the fairy tales that other people didn't notice. I would recommend this movie as a fun movie to see with the fam or if you just want to look at two cute boys in old time clothes. ohh which was another really strong point, the costumes were awesome! The were whimsical but at the same time very classic. The Critics didn't like this movie and I can see why. At the end you expect them you sum it all up and connect the story but they leave that for you to do. But I am partial to it because I don't know if I told you but I heart Matt Damon! See you in class!