Fun Triva: Dr. Strangelove
- Stanley Kubrick often uses the sequence CRM114 in serial numbers. CRM-114 is the name of the decoder in "Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb"and the Jupiter explorer's licence plate number in "2001: A Space Odyssey"
- General Turgidson was not scripted to fall over in the war room when he gets excited, but when it happened, Kubrick decided it was in character, and left it in.
- The centerfold in the copy of Playboy being read by one of the B-52 crew is Gen. Turgidson's secretary, Miss Scott.
- Dr. Strangelove apparently suffers from agonistic apraxia (also known as "alien hand syndrome"), a real neurological affliction that can be caused by a stroke or other brain injury causing damage to the nerve fibers that connect the two brain hemispheres (the corpus callosum). Researchers at the University of Aberdeen who identified it named it Dr. Strangelove Syndrome. According to Professor Sergio Della Sala, the patients behave exactly like Dr. Strangelove: "...They slam their hand and shout 'My hand does things that I don't want it to do!'"
- The glove worn by Dr. Strangelove came from director Stanley Kubrick's personal collection. Sellers had seen Kubrick wearing them to handle hot lights on the set and thought of them as sinister-looking, so he wore one of them on his right hand (the one not under his control) to add to Strangelove's eeriness.
- Has the longest title of any film ever nominated for the Best Picture Oscar.
- Stanley Kubrick intended the film to end with a custard pie fight between the Russians and the Americans in the War Room (which is why we see a big table of food there). The footage was shot, but he decided not to use it because he considered it too farcical to fit in with the satirical nature of the rest of the film.
- Gen. Ripper's belief that putting fluoride in water was a Communist plot to poison Americans is not made up; it was a conspiracy theory believed in so fervently by many in right-wing political circles in the US all through the 1950s and 1960s that many conservative organizations demanded that any local officials who advocated fluoridation of water supplies be charged with treason
- Stanley Kubrick wanted the tablecloth on the War Room table to be green, so it looked like the world leaders were playing poker with the world's fate.
- Major Kong's comment about the survival kit ("a fella could have a pretty good weekend in Vegas with all that stuff") originally referred to Dallas instead of Las Vegas, but was overdubbed after President John F. Kennedy's assassination in Dallas.
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