Monday, March 20, 2006

Christian films, like Christian music are making a major stir in today's entertainmnet. Personally, I think this is because our parent's generation denied organized religion (hippie comune, anyone?), which in turn would make following Jesus part of our teenage rebellion.

The fun started with Veggietales, but now film makers are moving away from the cartoon and stretching into 'real life' films.
Film makers went for the extreme shock factor (Passion of the Christ, 2004) and then the mild, 'watch while you babysit (The Birth of Christ, 1994) film.
This time, the filmmakers found a happy medium with the movie "Joshua".

No, it didn't come with catchy tunes; such as, 'Where is my hairbrush?', but it did come with a great story and an even better message.

This unknown carpenter named Joshua comes into a small town. No one knows who he is or where he is from. He seems to know what everyone is thinking as he works silently, rebuilding a baptist church that had been destroyed by a hurricane. He begins to change how people think, and the community comes together.
The story tells of a possible second-coming of Christ.
Well, it is just awesome. i'm going to 'edit' this to add more, i really, really loved the film.