Wednesday, March 15, 2006

A Friendship to last a lifetime...

So this week is Totally 80’s Week on AMC (for those of you who love the classic 80s movies as much as I do) and last night had a great line-up. First – Sixteen Candles; next – The Breakfast Club; and then came Beaches.

For those of you who have never seen Beaches before, it is a classic chick-flick. I have seen it multiple times and it just seems to get better through the years. This may be because as we grow we learn to appreciate the value of friendships and this movie definitely shows the appreciation of a friendship. I strongly encourage everyone to see this movie, mainly because it is one of my favorite movies. For those of you who like Steel Magnolias, Beaches will be a hit!

It begins with CC Bloom (played by Bette Midler) , a famous singer, rehearsing for a show when she gets an urgent letter and immediately gets in her car. As she is driving, she begins to recall her friendship with the second main character Hillary Whitney (played by Barbara Hershey). CC and Hillary meet when they are 11 on a beach in Atlantic City. Hillary is staying in an upscale hotel with her father and Aunt Vesta. When Hillary begins to cry because she cannot find her hotel, CC shows her the way; however, they stop at CC’s audition for a producer on the way. CC does not get the role, but she and Hillary become close friends on that day. The two girls exchange addresses and continue to write letters to each other for years to come. The movie revolves around CC and Hillary’s friendship and the difficulties and obstacles each character must overcome to be a better person and friend. Throughout the years, the two women experience jealousy toward one another in many aspects of life, but somehow always tend to mend their disagreements.

Beaches was directed by Garry Marshall, who has starred in many films and has directed other chick-flicks such as The Princess Diaries, Raising Helen, and Pretty Woman.

A hint of trivia from

  • The title comes from a quote from "The Princess Bride": "If your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."
- Christina