Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Now for the Oscars...

Well, first off- over the holidays I got pretty excited when I saw the "Mad as Hell" clip on CNN news, as well as the Oscars. I felt cool.

Now for the Oscars... I wanted to comment on the use of montage during the show. I thought that was amazing. Taking all the film clips and putting them in a montage to pay homage to talents of the past, I thought, really worked well with the theme of the show. Seeing stars and scenes that I could point out because of this class was so awesome!

Also, could I be happier Crash won best picture? I think not. I think it's really awesome that the Oscars didn't just pick the biggest blockbusters of the films, but actually looked into movies that may not have been as popular. These movies seem to showcase raw talent and focus more on making sure they are well-done than worrying about what people want to see. Some of these movies were not movies that may be comfortable to watch, but they had a point and made a statement.

I didn't think Stewart did that bad. His intro wasn't the best thing I have ever heard, but I totally understand that he was probably under so much pressure for getting this gig. He probably won't be asked back, but many jokes he made I thought were very funny. Example: "I do have some sad news to report. Bjork couldn't be here tonight. She was trying on her Oscar dress and Dick Cheney shot her."

Stewart relayed my thoughts on the Three 6 Mafia win precisely. "For those of you scoring at home, that's Martin Scorsese: zero Oscars, Three 6 Mafia: one."

Now, moving on to the Lucas article. I agree with him. I think that this year seriously changed what people want to see in films. People who work on Indie films with smaller budgets are more willing to take risks than those who spend hundreds of millions of dollars creating a movie they expect everyone to see. "Is that good for the business? No--it's bad for the business. But moviemaking isn't about business. It's about art!" Go Lucas!

Liz... again. (you're welcome.)