Friday, January 20, 2006

Blue is Green and Leo is back

No, i'm talking about the horoscope
i'm all about that guy we all drooled over during Disney's reruns of 'growing pains'.
The real reason we all saw Titanic ten million times.
that's right, you've guessed it
Leonardo DeCaprio

For your viewing pleasure, Leo takes on the starring role in Martin Scorsese' The Aviator.
As fate would have it, I chose to watch this movie with my boyfriend, Brian, and anytime Leo stepped on I felt guilty...
on the blog-related side, this made me focus on the film, and what an amazing film it is:

The movie is in visually pleasing. Aesthetically pleasing. And yes, I could argue that Leo's presence helped, but Marilyn Manson could've starred and it would've still been just as pretty. Especially the use of color in this film:

The movie goes through two color changes. In the first part of the movie, when Howard Hughes (Leo) is sane and exploring the world of film and aviation, the movie has an old-timey color feel.

You could argue creative genius, or like Brian DeJean, get really frustrated over why the peas and grass were blue...

The second change takes place during the peak of Howard's (Leo) sucess and the beginning of his downfall. Basically, this part of the movie is in 'normal' color. In this part, the grass is green.

But that is just one aspect of the cool visuals in the movie. For fun, watch the movie with the sound off and just enjoy the camera work...that is, if you can look past the blue vegetables...

-Tori Harris