Saturday, December 31, 2005

Tell us what you don't like about yourself...

This is in response to Tina’s post about Nip/Tuck. This season I’ve become a HUGE fan of the show, although I missed some of the first episodes. I’ve seen every episode in the first and second season and all I can say is WOW! I really can’t complain about this show. I think the characters are so well done and well developed. Never have I watched a show where you can understand the characters and feel like you know them more than this one. Even through all the bad things the main characters on the show will do, viewers are still able to see the good in all of the characters which accents one of the main themes of the show: looking deeper. The actors really deserve a lot of credit.

This is one of the most audacious shows I’ve ever seen. Sometimes I can’t believe they were actually allowed to show some of it on TV. They touch on subjects that many other shows wouldn’t dare to touch on, but Nip/Tuck does it successfully. I would seriously recommend watching this show. However, since the characters play such an enormous part in the show I would also recommend going back and watching the first two seasons to get a deeper understanding of the characters. It really enhanced the show for me. The first two seasons really set the characters up by letting you see the different sides of them, and explaining why they act how they do. This show pretty much has the most amazing season finales EVER! The finale the day before the English exam seriously left me breathless. That show was so incredibly intense I could barely take it! This season finale left with a lot more closure than the first two finales… thank GOD!

For watchers, I don’t know how I feel about Quentin being the Carver. The carver was only meant for one episode, and you can pretty much tell that they didn’t really expect the Carver to be a recurring role in the show. I personally think that Merrill Bobbolit, the rival plastic surgeon from the first two seasons would have been the perfect Carver because of his situation and the fact that you never really found out of he died or not. I thought Quentin being the carver was too predictable- but so predictable that I didn’t expect him to be the carver. That may be confusing… oh well. Watch the show! Only NINE long months until season 4!
