But really, I didn't sleep through this movie...
I feel like most of what I got from this movie was already posted. Maybe if I were not a slacker that would be different. Nonetheless,after watching, I mean "viewing" 2001: A Space Odyssey, I was left in total confusion, much like a lot of people in the class. The plot moved slowly and in multiple directions. My favorite part would have to be when Dave removes all of HAL's "data" (?), which are in the shape of the monolith. The decline of HAL's knowledge is a really powerful scene for me. My favorite quote : "I can feel it, I can feel it, I'm a...fraid".
The camera angles were amazing. What was also amazing were the settings. All of the scenes evoked some sort of emotion whether it was cold, confused, sad, scared, or calm. The scene in the hotel definetly mad me feel cold because of the color and space.
The other scene that sticks out in my mind is the scene in which Dave is trying to rescue Frank, while Frank is falling in space. When it flashes to Frank falling, there is absolutely no sound, which I cannot recall ever experiencing in another film. That gives me the chills thinking of it.
Overall, it was an amazing film and I can definetly see why it is a classic. I like it because I like not knowing things, and the idea of different interpretations is a theme in not just Kubrick's movie but in life itself. Fleig said the other day in class that an opinion cannot be wrong or stupid or anything else negative if there is solidity with that opinion. I think that every topic discussed after viewing this film had validity to it. I was impressed by everyone's take on the film and its purpose.
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