Though the movie confused me a lot, which was a bit annoying, I still liked many artistic, abstract elements of the film: the utilization of the wide-angle camera lenses, the music (or in some cases lack thereof), and most of all the overall theme: like Nicole said, it's hilariously ironic that the whole movie is about man's perpetual quest for knowledge, while we are stuck here talking about this movie for over a week and still never reaching complete certainty about what it's trying to convey. That's great. How fabulous that someone can make a movie that puzzles people for decades. Artistically the movie is wonderful, even if it IS ridiculously slow at times and just an outlet for Kubrick to vent some of his conceit. Another of my favorite things about this movie is how advanced it looked. If I hadn't known better, you could have convinced me that this film was made in the 90s. Some of the techniques used by Kubrick seemed VERY sophisticated for a movie of that time period. I was impressed. I don't know what else to put here-- I hope this was enough!
ps- aren't you jealous that the picture I found is exponentially creepier than all of yall's? muhaha